10Bx and 10By Quotation HW


‘An Inspector Calls’ quote search – Act 1

Find a quotation (or two) from the text to support the following points/ideas. Examine each one for language, structure and links to context.

  1. Mrs Birling’s views on a woman’s role in society.
  2. Mr Birling’s feelings on having Gerald as a son-in-law.
  3. How Mr Birling sees himself (repeated).
  4. Mr Birling’s predictions.
  5. Hints that there may be trouble ahead (dramatic irony).
  6. Mr Birling’s views on an individual’s role in society.
  7. Mr Birling’s opinion of socialism.
  8. Inspector Goole’s description of Eva’s death (repeated).
  9. Mr Birling’s justification of sacking Eva.
  10. Gerald’s comments on what Mr Birling did to Eva.


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